Patient Participation Group

The Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a great way to have your say and represent patients within North Swindon Practice

We are relaunching our Patient & Carer Partnership Group virtually to allow us to hear from as many of our patients and carers as possible. We will be releasing Newsletters quarterly with updates from our surgeries, key national health promotion and creating opportunities for you to have your say on the services.

If you are interested in joining our partnership please sign up below.

Your local surgery needs you!

We are always looking for enthusiastic and willing patients to give us feedback.

If you would like to join the PPG or the next meeting, please complete the form below and a member of the PPG will get back to you as soon as possible.

The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?

Patient Participation Group minutes

You can find the minutes from previous meetings below.