Meet the team

North Swindon Practice is made up of a range of healthcare professionals who help you with your health needs.

Our friendly and helpful team are here to help you manage your health and wellbeing, and make sure you have access to healthcare services in the local area. Meet our team below.

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Nurse Practitioners

Nurse Practitioner Lucy Archer

Nurse Practitioner Alison Moon

Nurse Practitioner Lorne Salisbury

Nurse Practitioner Sharon Farrow

Practice Nurses

Asthma/COPD Nurse Siobhan Bilko

Lara Mulry

Ceri Phillips

(Currently on maternity leave)

Asthma Nurse Helen Gooch

General Nursing & Diabetes Julie Cracknell

Adriana Clarke

Book an appointment

You can book an appointment by calling the Surgery to see your GP or one of our nurses.